Christine Albeck Børge

Actress, 'Ulven kommer'

Christine Albeck Børge is a Danish actress. She graduated from the Danish School of Performance Arts in 2000. Since then she has played many different characters in series, film, and theater plays. On her resume is ‘Kærlighed og andre katastrofer’ (2016), ‘Manden bag døren’ (2003), ‘Den anden verden’ (2016), ‘Broen III’ (2015) and many more.

In 2017 she was nominated as the ‘Best Actress’ at Robert prisen (In English: The Robert Award) for her portrayal of Rosa in ‘Kærlighed og andre katastrofer’.

She plays the part of Dea in the upcoming series ‘Ulven kommer’ (in english: Wolf Cry).


Photo: Photographer: Martin Juul og Art director: Line Durhuus Dahlström

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